Executive who blends a unique mix of start-up spark with big-company sophistication. Brings an entrepreneurial spirit to accelerate growth at both young and mature companies.
Reporting to CEO as first marketing executive for B2B hardware/software manufacturing startup.
• Drove brand visibility via viral social media - launched 22 videos, generating 31 million views in 1 year.
• Grew brand relevancy by assembling a network of 15 social media influencers, reaching 36 million relevant subscribers globally.
• Established brand credibility with PR campaign generating 22 press articles and 38 customer story articles spanning 9 industry verticals.
• Redesigned website - 50% of sales are now online, allowing resources to shift from direct sales to digital.
Brought in to establish a sustainable growth engine for a dynamic tech startup. Tenna helps construction companies find more value from their equipment using IoT technology and SaaS.
Spurred innovation at a global corporation - fusing OSG’s digital services into unique new value propositions.